Practice for Naturopathic Medicine

Every journey begins with the first step.

Health is a precious possession. We don’t realize how important it is to preserve it until we become ill. Then we are faced with the decision of finding the appropriate therapist.

But often there are several routes to a cure. I support you in finding what is individually correct for you. Your return to health is promoted only by treatment methods with which you feel comfortable.
You, as a responsible patient, are always in the focus of my holistic therapeutic approach.

That means: decisions are not made for you, but in cooperation with you. Your well-being is both the starting point and the goal. After all, you should feel that, as a patient, you not only receive competent advcse, but that you are well cared for and secure.

That begins in the carefully furnished treatment rooms, continues along thorough diagnostic work-ups and ends with a competent, natural-medical therapy tailored to meet your individual needs.
Therapy is usually integrated into the standard treatment concepts. Modern technologies and the healing power of nature go hand in hand.

Focal points in my practice:

  • Preventive medicine, health care, anti-aging
  • Bioenergetic medicine, early diagnostics
  • Orthomolecular/-vital substance medicine, phytotherapy
  • Chelate therapy

Visit my specialist practice and discover a new awareness of health. I am here for you.

Dr. Charles Fernando

in der Praxis für Naturheilverfahren am Tisch sitzend in einem Beratungsgespräch mit einer Patienten
Practice for Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando
Alternative practitioner | Pharmacist | Toxicologist

Kurfürstenanlage 1
69115 Heidelberg

Phone +49 (0) 6221 5029005
Fax +49 (0) 6221 4309016

Practice for Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando
Alternative practitioner | Pharmacist | Toxicologist

Kurfürstenanlage 1
69115 Heidelberg

Phone +49 (0) 6221 5029005
Fax +49 (0) 6221 4309016