Holistic pain therapy

Step-by-step, better quality of life

“In the midst of life” – for healthy people, this is taken for granted; for pain patients, it is an apparently unattainable castle in the air.

A wide range of symptoms weigh heavily on their minds, restrict their mobility and rob them of precious life energy. The aim is therefore to teach people how to deal better with pain, alleviate symptoms, investigate causes and improve their quality of life.

We use innovative technologies – for example from the field of bioenergetic medicine and infusion therapy – to expand our diagnostic options.


  • Acute and chronic pain

Therapy examples:

  • Bioenergetic medicine (diagnostics)
  • Detoxification and elimination
  • Infusion therapy
  • Natural remedies


  • Holistic treatment
  • Avoidance of one-sided apparatus medicine
  • Gentle and free of side effects
  • Patient-therapist partnership
  • Relapse prophylaxis
Abschnitt eines Konferenztisches, an der Wand ein künstlerisches Bild
Practice for Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando
Alternative practitioner | Pharmacist | Toxicologist

Kurfürstenanlage 1
69115 Heidelberg

Phone +49 (0) 6221 5029005
Fax +49 (0) 6221 4309016

Practice for Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. rer. nat. Charles Fernando
Alternative practitioner | Pharmacist | Toxicologist

Kurfürstenanlage 1
69115 Heidelberg

Phone +49 (0) 6221 5029005
Fax +49 (0) 6221 4309016